What is a Payment and Performance Bond? –

ntractoras well as the of the surety. The obligee is usually the buyer of services or owner of the project is the one who requires the bond. The contractor is the one which is legally bound to do the task or provide the services or goods, and the surety’s the entity who guarantees the work of the contractor.

A bond for payment guarantees every expense associated with the project or product is covered by the contractor. The payment bond covers the expenses of labor and materials employed for the task, in addition to the cost of products or services. A performance bond on the other side guarantees the obligee that the contractor will honor all commitments to the contract. The guarantee covers the cost for the delivery or work in case the contractor is unable to comply with his commitments.

When it comes to large-scale construction, as well as to buy goods or services, either payment or performance bonds may be required. These are usually used to protect the interests of the obligee and to make sure that the project is completed correctly and that the items or services will be delivered on date. The surety typically obtains the services you require. gk7bukeo6x.

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