Design Tips for Wine Cellars – Home Renovation Tips and Tricks

Planning and execution that is intense.

The first step is to determine what size and location your basement will be. Ideally, a cellar should be located inside your home’s cooler, darker, and dry area, away from bright sunlight and from vibration. The size of your cellar will be determined by the quantity of bottles you’re planning to store however, you should allow for at least 3 square feet of space per case of wine.

The proper insulation is crucial for maintaining a regular temperature and humidity levels that is essential to ensure wine storage. Insulate the walls, ceiling and flooring.

You can find wine racks made from different types of materials. They’re available in different sizes that can accommodate various bottles and styles. To make the most space and facilitate easy access, you can use a combination of double-deep and single racks.

Lighting is also a crucial factor to take into account when designing the layout of a cellar. Illumination that uses fluorescent or filaments should be avoided because they produce heat that can affect temperatures as well as humidity levels. Opt instead for LED lightingthat emits minimal heat and can be placed in a way to emphasize the specific areas in the cellar.

Last but not least, you should consider how appealing it is to look at the cellar. By using the correct lighting designs and materials wine cellars can look unique and be both functional as well as attractive.


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